Link API


Objective: Create 10 million ID-account mapping records in each run using multiple threads.

Configuration Details:

  • Total number of records to be linked: 10 million

  • Number of threads: 8, 10, 12, etc.

  • Payload size: Configurable; used sizes are 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, and 10,000 records.


  1. Each thread submits payloads to the link API.

  2. Payload size (n) determines the number of records in each submission.

Example Configuration:

  • Threads: 8

  • Payload Size: 1,000

Thread Allocation and Invocations:

  • Each thread processes (10 million / number of threads) records.

  • For 8 threads:

    • Each thread processes 10 million / 8 = 1.25 million = 1.25 million records.

    • Payload Size: 1,000 records.

Thread 1:

  • Total Records: 1.25 million

  • Number of Invocations: 1.25 million / 1,000 = 1,250 invocations

    • Invocation 1: Records 1 to 1,000

    • Invocation 2: Records 1,001 to 2,000

    • ...

    • Invocation 1,250: Records 1,249,001 to 1,250,000

Thread 2:

  • Total Records: 1.25 million

  • Number of Invocations: 1,250

    • Invocation 1: Records 1,250,001 to 1,251,000

    • Invocation 2: Records 1,251,001 to 1,252,000

    • ...

Subsequent Threads:

  • Thread 3: Records 2,500,001 to 3,750,000 (1,250 invocations)

  • Thread 4: Records 3,750,001 to 5,000,000 (1,250 invocations)

  • ...

  • Thread 8: Records 8,750,001 to 10,000,000 (1,250 invocations)


  • Each thread processes 1.25 million records.

  • The number of invocations per thread is determined by the payload size.

  • Example run with 8 threads and a payload size of 1,000 results in 1,250 invocations per thread.

Test script

The test script can be found here. The table - id_fa_mapping - needs to be truncated before each run. The following values are configurable and need to be modified suitably.

total_number_of_records = 10,000,000

number_of_threads = 8

payload_size = 1,000

Readings before test

Test scenarios

threads = 8, payload size = 1,000, 1 second ramp up time per thread

Last updated


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