Configure G2P Connect Payment Manager
G2P Bridge
Last updated
G2P Bridge
Last updated
This document provides instructions to configure G2P Connect Payment Manager in the Program module.
The user must have a Registrar and Administrator role.
The user must have access to the Program module in OpenG2P systems.
Click the main menu icon and select Programs.
Programs screen is displayed.
Click the Configuration in the menu bar and then select G2P Connect Payments Managers.
G2P Connect Payment Managers screen is displayed.
Click the Create button.
G2P Connect Payment Managers/New screen is displayed.
The fields and their descriptions are given below.
Enter the G2P payment manager name.
Select the appropriate program from the drop-down.
Automatically Create Batch
Click the check box to create payment batches automatically while preparing payment for a cycle.
Displays the type of currency
File Document Store
Select the appropriate storage space to store the beneficiary documents. The available storage space are:
Default S3 Document Store
Payments File Store
Voucher S3 Document Store
For example, if the benefits are delivered via voucher to a beneficiary, then choose the option Voucher S3 Document Store to store the beneficiary's voucher.
Displays the name of the batch tags
Max Batch Size
Displays the maximum count of batch size
Filters the batch based on the criteria
Render per payment instead of batch
Click the check box if each payment is to be rendered individually instead of batch payment
File Config
Select the file configuration from the drop-down
Payment Endpoint URL
Specify the URL for payment disbursement.
Status Endpoint URL
Specify the URL for payment status.
API Timeout
Set the maximum time (in seconds) for the API request to complete.
Status Check Cron Enabled
Click the check box to enable cron job.
Status Cron Job Interval Minutes
Specify the time interval of the cron job.
Filter Batches to Send
Filter the batches based on disbursement mode. The disbursement can be cash on hand, digital transaction and voucher payment.
Payee ID Field
Select the appropriate value from the drop-down. It auto populates the ID Type for Payee ID, Payee Prefix, Payee Suffix fields.
ID Type for Payee ID
Enter the type of ID used for payees
Payee Prefix
Add a prefix to payee information. It is mandatory only for all options
Payee Suffix
Add a suffix to payee information. It is mandatory only for REG_ID.
Set the locale for language and formatting preferences.
Click the Save button to configure the new G2P payment manager.
Click the Discard button to exit the screen.