📔Archive, Delete, End, and Re-activate a Program

This document provides instructions to archive, delete, end, and re-activate a program in the Program module.


The user must have the Program Administrator role.

Table of contents

Archive a program

Delete a program

End a Program

Re-activate a Program


Archive a program

  1. Click the main menu icon and select Programs.

Programs screen is displayed.

  1. Click a program that has to be archived.

For example, here the program "Program1" selected.

  1. Click the Program1.

Programs/Program1 screen is displayed.

  1. Click the Action button and select the option Archive.

A Confirmation dialog box is displayed.

  1. Click the Ok button to archive the program.

  2. Click the Cancel button to exit from the screen.

Archived program

The steps to find the archived program are:

  1. In the Programs screen, click the Filters button and select the option Archived.

You can find the list of archived program.

Delete a program

  1. Click the main menu icon and select Programs.

Programs screen is displayed.

  1. Click a program that has to be deleted.

For example, here the program "Program1" selected.

  1. Click the Program1.

Programs/Program1 screen is displayed.

  1. Click the Action button and select the option Delete.

A Confirmation dialog box is displayed.

  1. Click the Ok button to delete the program.

  2. Click the Cancel button to exit from the screen.

The program is deleted from the Programs screen.

End a program

  1. Click the main menu icon and select Programs.

Programs screen is displayed.

  1. Click a program to end the program.

For example, here the program "Program2" selected.

  1. Click the Program2.

Programs/Program2 screen is displayed.

  1. Click the Action button and select the option End Program.

The program is ended and you can find the program status is changed from active to ended in the Program list.

Re-activate a program

  1. Click the main menu icon and select Programs.

Programs screen is displayed.

  1. Click a program to end the program.

For example, here the program "Program2" selected.


Only the program with the status ended can be re-activated.

  1. Click the Program2.

Programs/Program2 screen is displayed.

  1. Click the Action button and select the option Re-activate Program.

Now you can find the program's (for example: Program2) status has changed from ended to active.

Last updated