📔Verify Eligibility of Enrolled Registrants

This document provides instructions on verifying the eligibility of enrolled registrants in a program.


  • The user must have a Program Manager role.

  • A program must have enrolled eligible registrants.


Verify Eligibility feature is used after the beneficiaries are enrolled and if there is a need to reassess the enrolled beneficiaries based on the scenarios such as,

  • If the program manager has not modified the criterion when enrolling the beneficiaries.

  • If it becomes necessary to confirm the enrolled beneficiaries' eligibility based on the recently introduced criterion.

  • If the enrolled beneficiaries must be reassessed based on the ad hoc criterion.

  • If the program manager adds a criterion that was overlooked during beneficiary enrollment.

For example, here the program Needy is considered.


For example, here the program Needy is selected.


  1. Verify the program has enrolled registrants.

  2. Click the program Needy.

Programs Needy screen is displayed.

  1. Add the new criterion in the Configuration tab to enroll the eligible registrants among the currently enrolled registrants based on the added new criterion.

For example, a new criteria Phone Numbers > Country is added in the Eligibility Manager in the Configuration tab.

  1. Click the Save button.

  1. Click the Verify eligibility button.

A pop-up message displays the count of enrolled eligible individual registrants based on the added criterion.

  1. Click the Beneficiaries tab.

Programs > Needy > Beneficiaries screen is displayed.

You can find a beneficiary is enrolled based on the added criterion.

For example, in the above screenshot, though the registrant (INDI7, GOPI) is eligible to be enrolled, he is not enrolled as he is in Draft status.

The currently enrolled registrants who are not eligible based on the added criterion, their status becomes Not Eligible.

Verify Eligibility enrolls only the currently enrolled registrants based on the added criterion.

Last updated


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