Beneficiary Registry

The concept of a beneficiary registry (BR) involves maintaining a database or record system that contains information about individuals or entities who are beneficiaries of a particular program, service, or assistance. This registry typically includes details such as the beneficiary's identity number, eligibility criteria, participation in programs, entitlements, and any benefits received.

BR resides in PBMS and contains the following:

  • Beneficiary to Program mapping

  • Entitlement of beneficiaries

  • Status of disbursement

BR may be queried to know about all the programs that a beneficiary is enrolled into. Further, information on the amount of assistance (cash, in-kind) along with disbursement status may be queried.

OpenG2P registry is a single repository containing details of the registrants. The registry uses PostgreSQL for maintaining the information.

The purpose of the registry is to provide a single source of truth to the program administrators and managers. Program administrators can grant access to other program participants to act on this information.

Individuals and groups

Individual registrant information is entered in a single row, whereas group details are stored in multiple rows in the form of relationships with the head or representative of the group.

Feature and functionality


Identification of records

Identification of records in the registry is done with configured ID types. ID can be foundational like MOSIP ID or functional like a voter's card, tax number, driver's license, etc.

Multiple entries


Data at rest is encrypted using robust cryptographic techniques. The data is decrypted in memory while processing the record so that no trace of the unencrypted data is stored anywhere in the system.


Data is anonymized while displayed in human-readable form (for example, UI screen). Similarly, any query results from the registry are anonymized such that this information cannot be used to target an individual.

The difference between the Beneficiary Registry (BR) and Social Registry (SR) are given below:

Beneficiary Registry
Social Registry

Data content

Contains data specific to beneficiaries of programs, entitlements and disbursement status

Contains demographic data of individuals and groups not necessarily linked to specific programs. The data may be consumed by several applications

Data management

Data is accessed and managed by Program Managers

Data is accessed and managed by Administrator responsible for social registry management


Source code

Data population

Populated by pulling data from SR

Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

Does not contain PII data*. Minimal demographic data (only that is required for eligibility and entitlement)

Contains PII data and other demographic data

* It is advised not to populate PII data into the BR. However, the platform does not restrict such a usage.

Pulling data from SR into BR


Sharing BR data

Beneficiary program data can be shared to external systems via APIs.

Source code

Last updated