Configure Default Program Manager
Last updated
Last updated
This document provides instructions to configure default program manager in the program module.
The user must have the Program Administrator role.
Click the main menu icon and select Programs.
Programs screen is displayed.
Click the Configuration in the menu bar and then select Default Program Managers.
Program Managers screen is displayed.
Click the Create Program button.
Program Managers/New screen is displayed.
The fields and their descriptions are given below.
Enter the program manager name. It is a mandatory field.
Select the appropriate program from the drop-down. It is a mandatory field.
Number of cycles
Enter the number of cycles on which the entitlements are allocated to the beneficiary.
Is Cycleless
Check the option, if required.
Copy pervious cycle
Check the option to repeat the pervious cycle configuration.
Click the Save button to save the data and exit from the screen.
Click the Discard button to exit from the screen without saving the data.
The newly configured program manager is listed in the program managers list.