Access a Database from Outside the Cluster

Post-deployment guide

This guide contains instructions on how to connect to a database from outside the cluster using kubectl port-forwarding method.


  1. Installation and configuration.

The steps to install and configure kubectl to access the Kubernetes Cluster in your machine are given below.

  • Install kubectl.

    sudo snap install kubectl --classic
  • Check the kubectl version.

    kubectl version --client
  • Configure kubectl and create a .kube directory in your home folder.

     mkdir -p $HOME/.kube 
  • Download the kube-config file from Rancher UI.

  • Place the kube-config file in the .kube folder.

    cp /path/to/your/kube-config $HOME/.kube/config
  • Set permissions for the kube-config file.

    chmod 400 $HOME/.kube/config
  • Export the KUBECONFIG environment variable.

    export KUBECONFIG="$HOME/.kube/config" 
  • Verify the configuration.

    kubectl config view
  1. You must have access to the Kubernetes Cluster.

  2. You must have the necessary permissions to perform port-forwarding to the database service in the Kubernetes Cluster.


Ensure that the cluster kubeconfig is set on your machine and follow the commands below to connect to the respective database.

  • Get the database services running in the cluster using the command below.

    kubectl get pods -n <namespace of env> | grep postgresql-0 
    ex : kubectl get pods -n dev | grep postgresql-0
  • Confirm the database you want to connect. Perform port-forwarding for the corresponding service using the kubectl command.

    kubectl port-forward pod/<pod-name> <local-port>:<pod-port>
    ex : kubectl port-forward -n dev pod/social-registry-postgresql-0 5432:5432
  • Connect to the database.

    psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U <dbuser> -d <database>



  • The kubectl port-forward must keep running in the foreground while you are accessing the database.

  • Ensure that your local port (e.g., 5432) is not being used by another service on your local machine.

Last updated


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