

This repository on Github contains source code of the SPAR.

Technical concepts

SPAR service

This table contains a description of the technical components of SPAR Service.


DFSP Provider

  • This is a table that contains metadata about Financial Service Providers.

  • Financial Service Providers need to be onboarded (or added) to this table.

  • Each DFSP Provider can attached with an "FA Construct Strategy", which will determine how the FA is constructed if this DFSP Provider is selected by the End-User.

ID Provider

  • This is a table that contains metadata about Identity Providers (ID Providers). For example, the National ID System of the Country, Driving License, etc.

  • ID Providers need to be onboarded (or added) to this table.

  • Each ID Provider is linked to (one or more) Login Providers.

  • Each ID Provider is attached with an "FA Construct Strategy", which will determine how the ID is constructed if the End-User logs in to SPAR using this ID Provider.

FA Construct Strategy

  • This is a string that describes how the FA or ID gets constructed. Which is present in the form of "{type}:{value}@{provider}".

  • For example, if FA Construct Strategy is "account_no:{acc_no}@{dfsp_provider_name}", the resultant FA will be "account_no:12345@bank1". Whatever is given in curly braces "{x}" will be replaced by the relevant value.

  • For ID construction, the values will be taken from the Authentication response. The following are some of the fields that are usually available in Auth Response.

    • sub - Subject. Usually the ID/Token.

    • iss - Issuer URL.

    • name - Name of the End-User.

    • email - Email of the End-User.

    • phone_number - Phone Number of the End-User.

  • For FA construction, the values will be taken from the form submitted by the End-User. This is a list of key-value pairs for each DFSP Level filled by the End-User, the key being the code of each DFSP Level and the value being the value filled. Example [level1code: level1value, level2code: level2value].

DFSP Levels

  • This table contains information about different levels of inputs asked on the Update FA Request Form.

  • Each DFSP Level contains the following fields.

    • name - Name to be displayed on the UI.

    • code - Code for this level, which can be used in FA Construct Strategy.

    • level - Integer that describes the position of this level among all levels of inputs that the End-User is asked for.

  • If "level" is negative, it will considered as text input on the UI. Otherwise, it will considered as a dropdown where values are picked from DFSP Level Values.

DFSP Level Value

  • This table contains information about different values against each level of input asked on the Update FA Request Form.

  • Each DFSP Level Value contains the following fields.

    • name - Name to be displayed on the UI.

    • code - Code for this level, which can be used in FA Construct Strategy.

    • level_id - The DFSP Level Entry to which this is a value of.

    • next_level_id (Optional) - The DFSP Level that is to be asked next if this Value is selected.

    • parent_id (Optional) - The DFSP Level Value, which was selected in the previous Level Input, that led to the selection of this Level Value.

    • dfsp_provider_id (Optional) - Each Level Value can be associated with a DFSP Provider, and the FA Construct Strategy will be derived from the DFSP Provider. For example; if Bank is selected as "National Bank" in the form, then a DFSP Provider can be created for the National Bank and an FA Construct Strategy can be associated with this DFSP Provider.

Update FA Request

  • This is the form/box on the UI with which the End-User can update/link their Financial Address/Account details to the ID with which they logged in.

Get FA Request

  • This is the box on the UI that shows the currently mapped FA of the End-User, for the ID that is used to log in.


TODO - Config parameters

Last updated


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