OpenG2P Registry MTS Connector

Module name


Module title

OpenG2P Registry MTS Connector

Technology base



  • Generates MOSIP token against the OpenG2P registry by calling MTS.

  • Uses callback delivery type of MTS.

  • Completely asynchronous execution.

  • OpenG2P can schedule a daily job to fetch the delta for the day.

  • A manual import feature will also be provided.

  • Removes VID if MOSIP Auth Token is generated.

Design notes



Module dependencies:

  • mts_connector

  • g2p_registry_individual

  • g2p_registry_rest_api

User interface



In OpenG2P, the user can configure for following fields to setup an interface with MTS through OMC.

Name: A string to identify the connector.

URL to reach MTS: URL for MTS API.

MTS Input type: OMC option could be proceeded by selecting OpenG2P Registry.

Mapping: MTS Field mapping as required by the API. Please refer MTS Documentation. Format of Mapping would be JSON.

Output Type: MTS-C only supports JSON output type of MTS.

Output Format: Output format is a JQ string which will be used by MTS to format its output to suite the caller's requirement.

Delivery Type: Currently supporting only Callback. Callback feature can be used to make MTS do a submission of results onto an API within Odoo. The output formatting will help in making the desired input for the api.

Job Type: MTS-C provide both recurring and one time execution. Recurring can be configured to do continuous pull from the ODK over MTS.

MOSIP Language: Mosip language setup. Default is eng.

Interval in minutes: Interval at which the MTS-C job runs.

Filters to apply to Registry: A domain filter can be used to identify the records for tokenization. For. eg. Only records which have VID associated with it and is not tokenized need to be picked for tokenization.

List of fields to be used: List of fields which will be supplied as auth data. This field list may be a superset of fields required for auth as it may contain data required by the callback API. This list should be a valid JSON string array.

Callback URL: A URL end point which would be called upon successful processing at MTS

Callback HTTP Method: HTTP Method (POST/PUT/GET/PATCH) used while MTS makes the callback

Callback Timeout: Timeout awaited by the callback until acknowledged with a response.

Callback Auth Type: Type of authentication expected by callback URL. MTS-C currently support Odoo type which uses the session-based authentication implemented by Odoo.

Callback Auth Database: DB instance used by Odoo.

Callback auth username: Username to access callback api.

Callback auth password: Password to access callback api.

Source code

Last updated


Copyright © OpenG2P. This work is licensed under Creative Common Attribution (CC-BY-4.0) International license unless otherwise noted.