OpenG2P Support Policy

Support is a critical aspect of adopting any software. OpenG2P offers support to adopting countries and their solutions providers on the platform. This enables OpenG2P users to get fixes and updates on the platform. This document lays down the OpenG2P's support policy, while also specifying how these apply to the various versions of OpenG2P that have been released and the ones to come in the future.

Long-term support

While all versions typically go through the testing phases, specific stable versions are designated as Long-Term Support (LTS) versions. These versions are supported for many years and their rollover happens based on the introduction of the next LTS evolution. Countries are encouraged to base their systems on LTS versions to benefit from the long-term support they get.

All support for OpenG2P is provided under the terms of licensing given here with no express warranties or guarantees.

Release versions will have an associated support type/status, and this will be mentioned on the release page in the documentation.

Patches and upgrades

The OpenG2P modules follow Semantic Versioning. Any bug fixes in the platform are released as patches with a new version of the module indicated by the last digit of the version number, for example, 1.2.x Guidelines to apply the patch are provided along with the release.

For major upgrades, guidelines, scripts and support are provided.

Last updated


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