OpenG2P and SDG Goals

OpenG2P helps advance several SDGs by ensuring that low-income people receive digital cash transfers from governments or humanitarian agencies. Chiefly, OpenG2P helps countries achieve SDG Target 1.3 by aiding the implementation of nationally appropriate social protection systems and increased coverage of the poor and the vulnerable. Inclusive and efficient cash transfer support can improve various aspects of their lives such as poverty alleviation (SDG1), food security (SDG2), health (SDG3), education (SDG4), gender equity (SDG5) and livelihoods (SDG8).

Governments and humanitarian agencies can use the OpenG2P platform to register, enrol, manage and send monetary or in-kind support to beneficiaries of their social protection programs (SDG1: End Poverty in all its forms everywhere; SDG2: Zero Hunger). These can be programs which involve sending cash support to lift people out of poverty or food rations to ensure sufficient meals for low-income families. OpenG2P can also be used to manage beneficiaries in a health program such as providing cash support to pregnant and lactating women to ensure sufficient nutrition for the mother and child (SDG3: Good Health and Well-Being). It is currently being used in the Philippines to send digitally verifiable vouchers to beneficiaries seeking medical assistance. In the education sector, OpenG2P may be used to disburse scholarships to students, performance-based cash incentives to schools, and cash support to families conditional on school attendance of children, all of which are aimed at achieving quality education (SDG4: Quality Education). Similarly, OpenG2P can be used to deliver a host of programs targeted towards women, including health, livelihood, training, education and financial inclusion (SDG5: Gender Equity). Livelihood-related programs such as providing cash support to individuals to start small businesses can also benefit from OpenG2P (SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth)

OpenG2P also serves towards reducing inequalities (SDG10: Reduced Inequalities) by enabling the socio-economic inclusion of the bottom 40% of the population. OpenG2P helps in tracking public expenditure for social development, thereby enabling accountability and transparency in government institutions (SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions). Finally, OpenG2P furthers SDG 17:Partnerships for the goals by mobilising the domestic technology ecosystem of a country, engaging in capacity building and multi-stakeholder partnerships to help a country achieve its goals.

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