Enumerator ID

Enumerator is a person responsible for collecting demographic data from individuals and groups to populate data in the registry. They are typically field workers who visit households, communities, or places to gather the necessary information. Once the data is collected and managed, organisations can access and analyse it. They play a critical role in data collection and management. They are also known as Field Agents.

The activities performed by the Enumerator are given below:


Field work

Requires to conduct field visits, door-to-door or specific locations visits, and collect data from respondents directly.

Offline data collection

Uses the ODK Collect application to collect data offline. This data is then managed on ODK Central, enables the organizations to access and analyze it easily, even if it was collected offline.

Data management

Involves in basic data management tasks, such as organizing collected data, checking for completeness and consistency, and entering data into databases or forms.

Region-based data collection

Assigns specific regions or areas for data collection, ensuring comprehensive coverage and efficient data gathering within designated geographical boundaries.

Adding data

Collects information present on the ODK forms. These information ranges from demographic data of individuals, groups of household to social and economic conditions.

When an Enumerator is added to the Registration Portal, a unique ID is automatically generated and assigned. This ID is the Enumerator ID (EID) which serves as a unique identifier for each enumerator in the SR.

The Data Administrator and the System Administrator have the authority to create Enumerators in SR using the Registration Portal.

Purpose of EID

The EID plays a significant role such as

  • The EID distinguishes each Enumerator within the SR, enabling efficient tracking and managing of data collected by different Enumerators.

Characteristics of EID

  • Each Enumerator has a unique EID.

  • The EID is generated using a sequencer on the Odoo platform. It has a 5-digit sequence with a configurable prefix. For example, it could be formatted as EID-00001.

  • Since EID is a read-only attribute throughout the system, it cannot be changed, once they are generated.

  • The admin portal allows for the deactivation of Enumerators, but not the deletion of EID.

Appearance of EID

  • The EID is displayed in the user profile of the Enumerators that is saved in the Registration Portal of SR.

  • Every record that the Enumerator collects has their EID in the Enumerator information section.

Technical concept

EID generation process

EID field definition

The EID field is defined as a Char field on the partner model with the following attributes:

  • string='EID': Displays the field label as "EID."

  • copy=False: Prevents the EID from being duplicated when a partner record is copied.

  • readonly=True: Ensures the EID cannot be manually edited, maintaining its integrity.

  • index=True: Optimizes database queries for searches involving EIDs.

Automatic EID generation

  • When a new enumerator is created, the create method of the G2PRegistrant model checks if an EID is provided. If not, the EID is temporarily set to 'New.'

  • After the record is created, the create method calls the generate_eid method to automatically generate and assign the next unique EID.

EID sequence configuration

The generate_eid method utilises an Odoo sequence named 'Enumerator Code' to generate EIDs. This sequence is configured as follows:

  • code: enumeratorCode.

  • prefix: EID-.

  • padding: 5.

This configuration ensures that each EID starts with "EID-" followed by a 5-digit padded number, for example, EID-00025.

EID view integration

  • The EID field is integrated into relevant views (form/tree view), providing a clear and readily accessible display of the Enumerator's unique identifier.

Development phase

The following deliverables for the Enumerator module are planned for development and release at the appropriate phase.


Phase 2

  • Enumerators use their EID to log in to Registration Portal.

  • In SR, Data Administrator able to search Enumerator by their EID.

Last updated


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