Online Assisted Registration


Registration portal is an external application portal where the registrant can add or update the registrant's demographic information of the individual and registrants.

This document provides technical guidelines for developing a Registration Portal, consisting of three modules:

  1. Base Module

  2. Registration Module

  3. Odk mapper Module

Each module has specific functionalities that integrate to create a comprehensive registration portal.

Functionality and features


Landing page

Info graphic representation of the registrant details. The dashboard will give records based on location.

List view - Individual - Group

On Individual list view, it shows the brief information of all the individual. Fields on list view are Individual name, region, kebele, last updated, enumerator, status, and action button. On group list view, it shows the brief information of all groups. Fields on list view are group name, region, kebele, members, last updated, status, enumerator and action button.


Create button on portal, will open new page to add new registrant details.


Update action on list view, will allow the registrant to edit the record.


Records on the portal will be locked or unlocked.

Access Limit

It allows to view and mange the records only to the region and other administrative location where registrant is assigned and responsible. Once he/she login to the portal, this shows only the records which belong to his/her limits.


  1. Portal base

  2. Registration

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