Connector Creation Guide

Creating Dashboards for Reporting involves the following steps:

  • Understanding what database tables are required to be indexed to OpenSearch for the dashboard.

  • Creating a pipeline for the data flow to OpenSearch. This pipeline involves:

    • Creating one Debezium Connector containing the database table.

    • Creating one OpenSearch Connector for the database table.

  • Creating a dashboard on OpenSearch

Follow the guides on this page to learn more about each step in the process above.

This document contains instructions for the developers (or dashboard creators) on creating the required connectors and dashboards to visualize reports on OpenSearch.

Follow the Installation guide to install/update the connector configuration.


  • Create a GitHub repository (or create a new directory in an existing repository) which is going to store the configuration for the connectors and the dashboards for OpenSearch.

  • Create a directory in the repository with these three folders debezium-connectors , opensearch-connectors and opensearch-dashboards .

  • Identify the tables from the database whose data will be required for the reports.

Debezium connector creation

  • One debezium connector is sufficient for indexing all the required tables of one database. So create one connector for each database (rather than one for each table).

  • Create a json file in the debezium-connectors . Each json file corresponds to one debezium connector. With the following contents:

        "name": "${DB_PREFIX_INDEX}_${DB_NAME}",
        "config": {
            "connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.postgresql.PostgresConnector",
            "": "pgoutput",
            "publication.autocreate.mode": "filtered",
            "": "dbz_${DB_PREFIX_INDEX}_${DB_NAME}",
            "": "dbz_pub_${DB_PREFIX_INDEX}_${DB_NAME}",
            "database.hostname": "${DB_HOSTNAME}",
            "database.port": "${DB_PORT}",
            "database.user": "${DB_USER}",
            "database.password": "${DB_PASS}",
            "database.dbname": "${DB_NAME}",
            "topic.prefix": "${DB_PREFIX_INDEX}",
            "table.include.list": "",
            "column.exclude.list": "",
            "decimal.handling.mode": "double"

Each $ in the json file will be treated as an environment variable. Environment variables will be automatically picked up during installation. If you want to use a dollar in the file and not parse it as env variable during installation, replace your $ with ${dollar} .

  • Add the list of all tables required from this database into the table.include.list field (in no particular order) (Accepts regex). For example

    "table.include.list": "public.res_partner,public.g2p_program_membership,public.g2p_programs"
    • This list needs to include relationship tables of the current table. For example: if you want to index g2p_program_membership but would also like to retrieve the name of the program in which the beneficiary belongs, then you have to add g2p_program as well.

  • This will index all the columns into OpenSearch by default. Every column that you don't want to index into OpenSearch has to be explicitly mentioned in the column.exclude.list (Accepts regex). For example PII fields like name, phone number, address, etc. As a general rule, fields that are not required for dashboards must be excluded explicitly.

    "column.exclude.list": ",,public.res_partner.address"

OpenSearch connector creation

  • Each json file in the opensearch-connectors folder will be considered a connector. Create one connector file for each table with the following content:

        "name": "res_partner_${DB_PREFIX_INDEX}",
        "config": {
            "connector.class": "io.aiven.kafka.connect.opensearch.OpensearchSinkConnector",
            "connection.url": "${OPENSEARCH_URL}",
            "connection.username": "${OPENSEARCH_USERNAME}",
            "connection.password": "${OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD}",
            "tasks.max": "1",
            "topics": "${DB_PREFIX_INDEX}.public.res_partner",
            "key.ignore": "true",
            "schema.ignore": "true",
            "key.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
            "value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
            "key.converter.schemas.enable": "true",
            "value.converter.schemas.enable": "false",
            "behavior.on.null.values": "ignore",
            "behavior.on.malformed.documents": "warn",
            "behavior.on.version.conflict": "warn",
            "transforms": "keyExtId,valExt1,valExt2,tsconvert01,...",
            "transforms.keyExtId.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.ExtractField${dollar}Key",
            "transforms.keyExtId.field": "id",
            "transforms.valExt1.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.ExtractField${dollar}Value",
            "transforms.valExt1.field": "payload",
            "transforms.valExt2.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.ExtractField${dollar}Value",
            "transforms.valExt2.field": "after",
            "transforms.tsconvert01.type": "org.openg2p.reporting.kafka.connect.transforms.TimestampConverterAdv${dollar}Value",
            "transforms.tsconvert01.field": "source_ts_ms",
  • Replace name with the appropriate table names.

  • Replace topics field with the name of table.

    "topics": "${DB_PREFIX_INDEX}.public.g2p_program",
  • To stop capturing changes to records and to maintain only the the latest data of a record on OpenSearch, set key.ignore to false. With this config, whenever there is a change to a record on the registry, the same change will be applied to the data on OpenSearch (rather than creating a new entry for the change.).

    • Also if you want the data to get deleted from OpenSearch, when the record is deleted on the Registry, set behavior.on.null.values to delete.

  • After the base file is configured, you can now add transformations to your connector at the end of the file (denoted by ... in the above example). Each transformation (SMT) will apply some change to the data or a particular field from the table, before pushing the entry to OpenSearch.

  • Add the following transformations to your connector based on the data available in the table.

    • For every Datetime field / Date field in the table add the following transform.

      "transforms.tsconvert02.type": "org.openg2p.reporting.kafka.connect.transforms.TimestampConverterAdv${dollar}Value",
      "transforms.tsconvert02.field": "create_date",
      "transforms.tsconvert02.input.type": "micro_sec",
    • At the end of all the transformations, add a TimestampSelector transform, which creates a new @timestamp_gen field whose value can be selected as any of the available Datetime fields in the table. This will be useful while creating a Dashboard on OpenSearch, where we can use this new @timestamp_gen field as the IndexPattern timestamp.

      "transforms.tsSelect.type": "org.openg2p.reporting.kafka.connect.transforms.TimestampSelector${dollar}Value",
      "transforms.tsSelect.ts.order": "write_date,create_date",
      "transforms.tsSelect.output.field": "@timestamp_gen"
    • If you want to pull data from another table (which is already indexed into OpenSearch) into this table that the connector is pointing to, use the DynamicNewField transform. For example; g2p_program_membership contains the beneficiary list. But the demographic info of the beneficiary is present in res_partner table. Say you want to pull gender, and address of the beneficiary, and name of the program that the beneficiary is part of, then create two transforms like this:

      "transforms.join01.type": "org.openg2p.reporting.kafka.connect.transforms.DynamicNewField${dollar}Value",
      "transforms.join01.input.fields": "program_id",
      "transforms.join01.output.fields": "program_name",
      "": "${DB_PREFIX_INDEX}.public.g2p_program",
      "": "id",
      "": "name",
      "": "${OPENSEARCH_URL}",
      "transforms.join02.type": "org.openg2p.reporting.kafka.connect.transforms.DynamicNewField${dollar}Value",
      "transforms.join02.input.fields": "partner_id",
      "transforms.join02.output.fields": "beneficiary_gender,beneficiary_address",
      "": "${DB_PREFIX_INDEX}.public.res_partner",
      "": "id",
      "": "gender,address",
      "": "${OPENSEARCH_URL}",
    • After configuring all the transforms, add the names of all transforms, in the order in which they have to be applied, in the transforms field.

      "transforms": "keyExtId,valExt1,valExt2,tsconvert01,tsconvert02,tsSelect",

Each $ in the json file will be treated as an environment variable. Environment variables will be automatically picked up during installation. If you want to use a dollar in the file and not parse it as env variable during installation, replace your $ with ${dollar} .

OpenSearch dashboard creation

Refer to OpenSearch Dashboard Creation Guide.

Last updated


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