📔Verify Eligibility of Registrants in a Cycle

This document provides instructions on verify eligibility of registrants in a cycle.


  • The user must have a Program Manager role.

  • A program must have a Cycle with enrolled registrants.


Verify Eligibility feature is used after the beneficiaries are enrolled in a Cycle and if there is a need to reassess the enrolled beneficiaries based on the scenarios such as,

  • If the program manager has not modified the criterion when enrolling the beneficiaries.

  • If it becomes necessary to confirm the enrolled beneficiaries' eligibility based on the recently introduced criterion in a cycle.

  • If the enrolled beneficiaries must be reassessed based on the ad hoc criterion.

  • If the program manager adds a criterion that was overlooked during beneficiary enrollment.


  1. Verify the Cycle has enrolled registrants.

For example, the program Needy has a Cycle 1 with enrolled registrants.

In the Programs Needy screen, add a new criterion in the Configuration tab to enroll the eligible registrants among the currently enrolled registrants in Cycle 1 based on the added new criterion.

For example, a new criteria Phone Numbers > Country is added in the Eligibility Manager in the Configuration tab.

  1. Click the Save button.

  2. Click the Cycles tab and Open cycle form.

Programs > Needy > Cycle 1 screen is displayed.

  1. Click the Verify Eligibility button.

  2. Click the Beneficiaries tab.

Programs > Needy > Cycle 1 > Cycle Members screen is displayed.

You can find beneficiaries are enrolled based on the appended criteria.

The currently enrolled registrants in a Cycle who are not eligible based on added criterion, the status becomes Not Eligible.

Verify Eligibility in a Cycle screen enrolls only currently enrolled registrants based on the added criterion.

Last updated


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