Deployment of G2P Bridge

Helm Chart Deployment of OpenG2P G2P Bridge


Before deploying the Helm charts, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

  1. Kubernetes Cluster: A Kubernetes cluster is up and running. You can use any Kubernetes provider.

  2. Helm CLI: Helm CLI installed. Version 3.x or higher is recommended. You can install Helm using the official Helm installation guide.

  3. Access to Docker Hub: Ensure that Docker Hub can be accessed to pull the required container images.

  4. Configured Values: Update the values.yaml file with any custom settings needed for your deployment, including image versions, credentials, hostnames, etc.

Deployment Steps

1. Clone the GitHub Repository

# Clone the GitHub repository containing the Helm charts
$ git clone
$ cd openg2p-g2p-bridge-deployment/charts

2. Install Helm Dependencies

# Install the dependencies for the Helm chart
$ helm dependency update

3. Install the Helm Chart

# Install the openg2p-g2p-bridge chart using Helm
$ helm install openg2p-g2p-bridge ./openg2p-g2p-bridge -f values.yaml -n <namespace>
  • Replace openg2p-g2p-bridge with the desired release name.

  • Replace namespace with your kubernetes namespace.

  • Use the -f flag to provide custom configurations through a values.yaml file.

4. Update Values File (Optional)

To customize the configuration, update the values.yaml file. Here's a sample of what you might want to configure:

  • Set the hostname, Docker image tags, and various other configurations to match your environment.

5. Check the Deployment

After running the install command, ensure that all pods and services are running correctly.

# Check the status of the Helm release
$ helm status openg2p-g2p-bridge

# View the Kubernetes pods and services
$ kubectl get pods,svc

6. Updating the Helm Release

If changes are made to the values.yaml or any part of the Helm chart, use the following command to upgrade the release:

$ helm upgrade openg2p-g2p-bridge . -f ./values.yaml -n <namespace>

7. Uninstalling the Chart

To remove the deployment, run the following:

$ helm uninstall openg2p-g2p-bridge -n <namespace>

This will delete all Kubernetes resources associated with the release.

Last updated


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