📔Create a New Individual in Registration Portal

This document provides instructions to create a new individual in Registration portal.


A user must have access to the Registration portal.


  1. Open the URL www.<projectbaseurl>.org/serviceprovider/login in your Browser.

Login screen is displayed.

  1. Enter the valid Email ID or Phone number.

  2. Enter the valid Password.

  3. Click the Reset Password to reset the password.

  4. Click the Login button.

Registration Portal Individual Dashboard screen is displayed.

The Individual list contains the below information. It displays the number of records available in the individual list. You can use the search field option to retrieve the specific individual list.

Create a new individual

  1. Click the Create New button to create a new individual's data.

Create New Individual screen is displayed.

The fields and their descriptions of each tab are given below.

  1. Click the Submit button to save the data and exit from the screen.

  2. Click the Cancel button to exit from the screen.

The newly created individual data is displayed in the individual list.

Last updated


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