Make Environment Publicly Accessible using AWS LB Configuration

For internal use


This document provides step-by-step instructions to make environment publicly accessible without wire guard configuration. Generally, all environments are privately accessible using wire guard configuration.


The naming conventions may vary depending on the environment.

Create a new Target Groups and LB on AWS

The steps below outline the process for creating new Target Groups and Load Balancers (LB) on AWS.

  • Creating Target Group for external-http

  • Creating Target Group for external-httpsredirect

  • Creating a Target Group for PostgreSQL

  • Creating external network Load Balancer

Creating Target Group for external-http

  1. Choose a target type - IP addresses

  2. Target Group name - openg2p-<envname>-external-http

  3. Protocol : Port - TCP : 30080

  4. VPC - general-vpc

  5. Health check protocol : Path : Port (Traffic Port)- HTTP : /healthz/ready : 30521

  6. Next, navigate to "Register Targets", verify the network settings, add the internal IP addresses of the cluster instances, and create the target group.

Creating Target Group for external-httpsredirect

  1. Choose a target type - IP addresses

  2. Target Group name - openg2p-<envname>-ext-httpsredirect

  3. Protocol : Port - TCP : 30081

  4. VPC - general-vpc

  5. Health check protocol : Path : Port (Overide) - HTTP : /healthz/ready : 30521

  6. Next, navigate to "Register Targets", verify the network settings, add the internal IP addresses of the cluster instances, and create the target group.

Creating Target Group for PostgreSQL

For PostgreSQL, there is no need to create a Target Group (TG). Instead, create a record with the name internal.sandbox-name and map the Internal NLB DNS name of the environment to it.

Creating external network Load Balancer

  1. Create NLB with name - openg2p-<envname>-external

  2. Select VPC -general-vpc do map for ap-south-1a, 1b, 1c

  3. Select Security Group - default-nginx-node

  4. Listeners and routing Protocol : Port : Default action

    • TLS : 443 : openg2p-<envname>-external-http

    • TCP : 80 : openg2p-<envname>-ext-httpsredirect

  5. Select an ACM certificate corresponding to the environment's domain name and create an NLB.

  6. Make sure the Load balancer created and active.

  7. Map the Load Balancer DNS name to your environment domain name on Route 53.

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