Creating Diagrams


Creating editable diagrams in open formats using open source tools is challenging. Here, we suggest for creating diagrams and saving them directly in GitHub repository.

Creating new diagram

  1. On website choose Device as your storage.

  1. Select the format of the diagram as XML.drawio.

  1. Create the diagram and save it on your local machine. Make sure you follow the file naming convention of lowercase with hyphens as word separations.

  2. Fork openg2p-documentation repository to your Github account.

  3. Disable workflow in your repository fork:

  1. On Github, upload/commit the .drawio file to your fork of openg2p-documentation repository in the branch of choice to the following folder: .gitbook/assets.

  2. Send a Pull Request.

  3. After the PR is merged on the upstream repo a Gitbook Action Workflow will get triggered to convert the same to PNG format with *.png extension. The PNG file will be available in the same folder as the .drawio file. In this case, it will be the repository's .gitbook/assets folder.

  4. On Gitbook, insert the PNG image using the URL options shown by Gitbook. The URL to be given will be the GitHub URL e.g. Make sure you pick this URL in Raw format which will be available on the Download button on Github

Editing existing diagram

If a .drawio already exists in the .gitbook/assets folder then you must directly edit the repository version of the same by following the procedure given below.

  1. Fork the openg2p-documentation repository to your local Github account. Disable workflow as shown above.

  2. On the website choose Github as your storage.

  1. Authorize the app on Github (follow the steps prompted).

  2. Select the diagram in .drawio format from openg2p-documentation --> your branch --> .gitbook/assests folder.

  1. Make changes.

  2. Save the diagram - it will get Git-committed to your repository.

  3. Send a Pull Request to OpenG2P/openg2p-documentation repo.

  4. Upon acceptance of the Pull Request, a Github Action Workflow will trigger the conversion of the.drawio file to .png.

  5. If you have not added the URL of the PNG to your Gitbook pages follow step 6 of Creating New Diagram.

  6. If the URL already exists in Gitbook, the updated image should appear after a page refresh.

Deleting a digram

  1. Delete the diagram from Gitbook listing found here:

  1. Delete the diagram from Github repository openg2p-documentation from the corresponding branch

Last updated

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