K8s Cluster Setup

Work in progress


The following guide uses RKE2 to set up the Kubernetes (K8s) cluster.


  • The requirements for setting up the cluster are met as given here.

  • The following tools are installed on all the nodes and the client machine.

    • ufw , wget , curl , kubectl , istioctl , helm , jq

Firewall setup

  • Set up firewall rules on each node. The following uses ufw to setup firewall.

    • SSH into each node, and change to superuser.

    • Run the following command for each rule in the following table

    ufw allow from <from-ip-range-allowed> to any port <port/range> proto <tcp/udp>
    • Example

    ufw allow from any to any port 22 proto tcp
    ufw allow from to any port 9345 proto tcp
    • Enable ufw.

    ufw enable
    ufw default deny incoming

ProtocolPortShould be accessible by onlyDescription






Postgres ports



Postgres ports



Postgres ports



RKE2 agent nodes

Kubernetes API



RKE2 agent nodes

Kubernetes API



RKE2 server and agent nodes

Required only for Flannel VXLAN



RKE2 server and agent nodes




RKE2 server nodes

etcd client port



RKE2 server nodes

etcd peer port



RKE2 server and agent nodes

NodePort port range

K8s setup

  • The following setup has to be done for each cluster node.

  • Choose odd number of server nodes. Example if there are 3 nodes, choose 1 server node and two agent nodes. If there are 7 nodes, choose 3 server nodes and 4 agent nodes.

  • For the first server node:

    • Configure rke2-server.conf.primary.template,

    • SSH into the node. Place the file to this path: /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml. Create the directory if not present already. mkdir -p /etc/rancher/rke2 .

    • Run this to download rke2.

      curl -sfL https://get.rke2.io | sh -
    • Run this to start rke2 server:

      systemctl enable rke2-server
      systemctl start rke2-server
  • For subsequent server and agent nodes:

    • Configure rke2-server.conf.subsequent.template or rke2-agent.conf.template, with relevant ips for each node.

    • SSH into each node place the relevant file to this path: /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml, based on whether its a worker node, or control-plane node. (If worker use agent file. If control-plane use server file).

    • Run this to get download rke2.

      curl -sfL https://get.rke2.io | sh -
    • To start rke2, use this

      systemctl enable rke2-server
      systemctl start rke2-server

      or, based on server or agent.

      systemctl enable rke2-agent
      systemctl start rke2-agent
  • Execute these commands on a server node.

    • echo -e 'export PATH="$PATH:/var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin"\nexport KUBECONFIG="/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml"' >> ~/.bashrc
      source ~/.bashrc
    • kubectl get nodes

Cluster import into Rancher.

  • This section assumes a Rancher server has already been setup and operational. Rancher Server Setup in case not already done.

  • Navigate to Cluster Management section in Rancher.

  • Click on Import Existing cluster. And follow the steps to import the newly created cluster.

  • After Rancher import, do not use the the kubeconfig from server anymore. Use it only via downloading kubeconfig from rancher.

Longhorn setup

Istio setup

  • The following setup can be done from the client machine. This install Istio Operator, Istio Service Mesh, Istio Ingressgateway components.

  • From infra directory, configure the istio-operator.yaml, and run;

    istioctl operator init
    kubectl apply -f istio-operator.yaml
  • Gather Wildcard TLS certificate and key and run;

    kubectl create secret tls tls-openg2p-ingress -n istio-system \
        --cert=<CERTIFICATE PATH> \
        --key=<KEY PATH>
  • Create istio gateway for all hosts using this command:

    kubectl apply -f istio-gateway.yaml

Adding new nodes

  • From infra directory, take either the rke2-server.conf.subsequent.template or rke2-agent.conf.template based on whether the new node is control plane node or Worker node. Copy this file to /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml in the new node.

  • Configure the the config.yaml with relevant values.

  • Run this to download rke2.

    curl -sfL https://get.rke2.io | sh -
  • Run this to start rke2 node:

    systemctl enable rke2-server
    systemctl start rke2-server

Last updated

Copyright © OpenG2P. This work is licensed under Creative Common Attribution (CC-BY-4.0) International license unless otherwise noted.