📔Upload revised Form


This document provides instructions to upload a revised form available in a project using ODK Central.



  1. Login to the ODK Central

  2. Click the relevant project link.

For example, here, the project is considered as Safety Net Program.

  1. Click the project (Safety Net Program) link listed below the Projects.

The project (Safety Net Program) overview page is displayed.

  1. Click the form available below the Forms.

For example, here the form selected is Safety Net Program Forms.

The Safety Net Program screen is displayed.

In the Draft section, you can find two tabs.

  • Status

  • Testing

Status - Your Current Draft

In the Status tab, Your Current Draft section displays the version history of the uploaded form.



Click the Preview button to view the uploaded form.


Select the appropriate option to view/download the file.

The valid values are :

  • View XML in browser

  • Download as X Form (.xml)

  • Download as XLSX Form

Upload new Definition

Click the Upload new Definition button, to upload the updated version of the draft file. The updated draft file overwrites the already existing draft file.

  1. Click the Definition button.

  2. Select the appropriate option to download the form.

  3. Navigate to the downloaded file path.

You can open the downloaded file and do the required changes such as delete, add and modify the text in the form and save the form.

  1. Click the Upload new Definition button to upload the updated version of the draft file.

A message pops up on successful upload on updated version of the draft file.

This completes the process of uploading a revised form in a program.

Last updated


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Change request #712: Pramod's Jun 3 changes