

This repository contains <>

eSignet integration

openg2p-auth is an extension to server-auth to setup further parameters and facilitate further functionalities required for OpenG2P. The settings for openG2P-auth in included in the same page as server-auth. Below are the parameters available for openg2p-auth

  • Allowed in Self Service Portal : Wether or not the login option will be visible for self service portal login page

  • Use G2P Reg ID Type : What would be the Registry ID Type used to store the token received

  • Partner Creation Call Validate Url :

  • Partner Creation Validate Response Mapping : Mapping the fields for registry record creation

  • Default Group User Creation : Default user group to be created when the user log in to self service portal through eSignet for the first time.

  • Login Attribute Mapping On User Creation : What would be the login attribute connected with the user after the user is created for first time

Last updated


Copyright © 2024 OpenG2P. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution International LicenseCC-BY-4.0 unless otherwise noted.

Change request #712: Pramod's Jun 3 changes