
Branch: 15.0


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eSignet integration

eSignet integration from OpenG2P uses the auth_oidc package of odoo which is further extended to use private_key_jwt assertion at the client side. To configure eSignet a new oAuth provider is added in OpenG2P. This can be done by entering into debug mode and going to "Settings" page and click on "OAuth Providers" under the menu "Users & Companies".

Following are the parameter setting for server-auth

  • Provider name : A name for the configuration

  • **Auth Flow : "**OpenID Connect (authorization code flow)" can be used to connect OIDC IdP provider.

  • Token Map: sub:user_id

  • Redirect Url : URL where IdP would redirect to after successful login, where in the user sign in process inside OpenG2P will happen.

  • Client ID : Client Id created at IdP against OpenG2P

  • Client Authentication : The client authentication method for eSignet. eSignet uses "Private Key JWT"

  • Private Key : Private key pem file has to be uploaded here.

  • Grant Type : Type of grant, which need to be "JWT Bearer" here.

  • Allowed ​: Whether or not the login method is enabled in the login page

  • Login button label : Button label visible in the login page.

  • CSS class : CSS Class to get applied on the login button

  • Authorization URL: Authorization URL

  • Scope: Provide the value "openid profile email"

  • UserInfo URL: URL to fetch the User Info

  • Token URL : Token end point to get the authorisation token

  • JWKS URL : The JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) endpoint

  • Data Endpoint : Data end point

Last updated


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Change request #712: Pramod's Jun 3 changes