📔Customize the ODK Importer Configuration based on the ODK Form Fields


This document provides step-by-step instructions to customize the ODK Importer configuration based on the ODK form fields to cater to the needs of the stake holders.


Every ODK form must have its own ODK importer.


  • A user must have Administrator role to access ODK Central in OpenG2P systems.

  • A user must know the pyjq syntax to customize the value in the JSON Formatter fields.


  1. Login to OpenG2P systems.

ODK configuration screen is displayed.

  1. Click the Create button.

ODK Configuration/New screen is displayed.

  1. Enter the valid values to access ODK Central in OpenG2P systems and customize the ODK Importer configuration based on the ODK Form Fields



Click the Start link to execute the schedule job to run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals.


Click the Restart link to re-execute the schedule job to run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals.


Click the Stop link to stop the execution of the schedule job.

ODK Central


Enter the name for the ODK importer.

Base URL

Enter the URL of the ODK Central.


Enter the username which is used to login ODK Central


Enter the password which is used to login ODK Central

Project details

Enter the project number.

For example, 5

Enter the ID of the form.

For example, Household_data_collection

Target settings

Target Registry

Select the appropriate option. The valid values are:

  • Group

  • Individual

Use the pyjq library to manipulate JSON, based on the required fields in OpenG2P system.

Time interval

Interval in hours

Enter the time duration in hours to run the job automatically.

Program details

ODK Program ID

Enter the program ID


Click the Save button to save the data


Click the Discard to clear the data

Test Connection

Test Connection feature establishes the connection between ODK Central and OpenG2P systems.

  1. Click the Test Connection button.

If the Test Connection feature connects the ODK Central and OpenG2P systems successfully, a successful message pop ups.

If the Test Connection feature unable to connect the ODK Central and OpenG2P systems, an error message pop ups.

  1. Click the OK button to exit the dialog box.

Import Records

Import Records feature imports and stores the records in Social Registry.

  1. Click the Import Records button.

If the ODK form is imported successfully, a success message pops up.

If there is no new ODK form submitted, then ODK form records will not be imported.

A view of the ODK form recorded in Social Registry.

The below image shows the specific ODK form record.

The Household Data tab shows only the fields which are configured using pyjq JSON formatter in ODK importer. The fields are populated while the ODK form is imported to the Social Registry.

You can find the created ODK form below the name column in ODK Configuration screen.

This completes process of importing a ODK form into Social registry by customizing the ODK Importer configuration based on the ODK Form Fields.


Follow the below steps to know the project ID taken from ODK Central.

  1. Login to ODK Central.

ODK Central home page is displayed.

Here, for example, click the Household data collection form below the program Test.

The Household data collection form's overview screen is displayed.

In the URL , the number which is after the project is the project Id (5) (highlighted in yellow).

Form ID

Follow the below steps to know the form ID taken from ODK Central.

  1. Login to ODK Central.

ODK Central home page is displayed.

Here, for example, click the Household data collection form below the program Test.

The Household data collection form's overview form is displayed.

In the URL , the word which is after the forms is the form Id (Household_data_collection) (highlighted in yellow).

JSON Formatter

Configure the required fields based on the ODK form field using pyjq JSON formatter.

For example, ODK importer configures the required fields from Household data collection form present in ODK central in JSON Formatter box.

Last updated


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Change request #712: Pramod's Jun 3 changes