📔Create a Product in Inventory

This document provides instructions to add an in-kind product to the Inventory module.


  • The user must have access to OpenG2P systems.

  • The user must have Program Manager role.


Inventory Overview screen is displayed.

  1. Click the Products in the menu bar and then click Products.

Products screen is displayed.

  1. Click the Create button.

Products/New screen is displayed.

  1. Enter the Product Name in the Product Name field.

For example, here, the product name is entered as Millets.

  1. Check the appropriate option. The available options are:

  • Can be Sold

  • Can be Purchased

  1. Click the General Information tab.

The fields and their descriptions available in the General Information tab are:

Field Description

Product Type

Select the appropriate option. The available options are:

  • Consumable

  • Service

  • Storable Product


To create a product choose the option Consumable

Unit of Measure

In the drop-down, click Search More...

Search: Unit of Measure screen is displayed.

  • Select the relevant unit of measure.

For example, here, unit of measure is selected as kg.

Purchase of UoM

It auto-populates the value selected in the unit of measure field

Sales Price

Enter the sales price

Customer Taxes

Enter the customer tax


Enter the cost

Product Category

Enter the product category

Internal Reference

Enter the internal reference


Enter the barcode

Internal Notes

Enter additional information, if any.


Click the Save button to save the data


Click the Discard button to exit from Products/New screen

Products/{Product Name} screen is displayed.

The newly added product name Millets is added in the Products screen.

This completes the process of creating a new product in the Inventory module.

Last updated


Copyright © 2024 OpenG2P. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution International LicenseCC-BY-4.0 unless otherwise noted.

Change request #712: Pramod's Jun 3 changes