
Social Registry versions

Social Registry Helm Package

VersionCreated onContents

21 Aug 2024

24 Aug 2024

Bug fixes in SR on branch 17.0-1.2 No other change in Helm packaging

27 Aug 2024

Bug fixes on branch 17.0-1.2. Fayda ID Integration moved to production.

10 Sep 2024

Houses SR Odoo Docker 1.3.0. No other change in the package

10 Sep 2024

Only SR Odoo Docker update to 1.3.1. No other change

Social Registry Docker

Repository on Docker Hub: social-registry-odoo-package

TagCreated onDescription

21 Aug 2024

Pegging a version as of this date for country deployments

24 Aug 2024

Pegging a version as of this date for country deployments

27 Aug 2024

Bug fixes on 1.2.1 and pegging the same as a patch version.


04 Sep 2024

Intermediate version - does not work. QA failed.


10 Sep 2024

Major changes w.r.t reorganisation of modules. Number of repos reduced. No change in functionality. See package file.

10 Sep 2024

Fixed few bugs in Community addons.

Last updated


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