📔Create User

This document provides instructions to create user in the Social Registry module.


  • The user must have access to the Social Registry module.

  • The user must have Registrar and Administrator role.


The Settings screen is displayed.

  1. In the menu bar, click the Users & Companies and then select Users.

Users screen is displayed. It is a dashboard which lists the details of all the available Users Name, Login, Language, Latest authentication and their status.

  1. Click the New button.

User New screen is displayed.

In Users New screen, the available features and their descriptions are:



Enter the new user name

Email Address

Enter the valid email Id. of the user. The invitation email will be sent to this email address.

  • Select the icon, click the edit icon and then navigate to the user photo where it is stored

  • Export the user photo

  • Click the delete icon to delete the user photo

  1. Click the Access Rights tab.

The fields and their descriptions are given below:




Select the appropriate value from the drop-down. The available values are

  • Billing

  • Billing Administrator


Select the appropriate value from the drop-down, The available value is

  • Validate bank account


Select the appropriate value from the drop-down. The available values are

  • Restricted Editor

  • Editor and Designer


Select the appropriate value from the drop-down. The available values are

  • Access Rights

  • Settings


Job Queue

Select the appropriate value from the drop-down. The available value is

  • Job Queue Manager


Select the appropriate value from the drop-down. The available value is

  • Admin

  1. Click the Preferences tab.

The fields and their descriptions are given below:



Select the preferred language from the drop-down.


Select the timezone from the drop-down list.


Select the appropriate radio button. The values are:

  • Handle by Emails

  • Handle in Odoo

Email Signature

Enter the valid Email ID.

  1. Click the Oauth tab.

The fields and their descriptions are given below:


OAuth Provider

  • Select the appropriate value from the drop-down.


  • Search for the OAuth Provider using the Search more option from the drop-down.

OAuth User ID

Enter the OAuth user ID.

OAuth Access Token

Check the OIDC Groups Rest box or OIDC Userinfo Reset box as per the requirement

  1. Click the Account Security tab.

  1. Click the Invite to use 2FA button to enable 2FA for a user.

IconClick to

Select the appropriate value. The available values are:

  • Archive

  • Duplicate

  • Change Password

  • Disable two-factor authentication

  • Send Password Reset Instructions

  • Privacy Lookup

Save manually the individual data and exit from the screen.

Discard changes and exit from the screen.

The newly created user is added to the user list.

Assign user role

Last updated


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