Social Registry

Social Registry (SR) is an independent module offered by OpenG2P to enable the creation of registries of individuals and groups of people with demographic data with advanced features that make the SR interoperable and easily fit into the digital public infrastructure (DPI) infrastructure of a country.

The registry can host demographic data of both individuals and groups (family/household) and this data is privacy protected. SR offers the unique feature of issuing digitally signed credentials - Verifiable Credentials - to the beneficiaries.

Functional architecture

Feature and functionality

  • RBAC

  • Roles

  • Users

Configuration of ID Types, Registrant Tags, Gender Types, Relationships, Group Types, and Group Membership Kind are required to define values (enumerations) for the associated fields.

  • CSV

  • APIs (G2P Connect, GraphQL, REST)

  • Identifies and stores the duplicate entries of the recorded registrants' data.

  • Manages duplicate records within separate groups and individual registries.

  • Assists in uploading the mandatory documents required to register for a program

  • CSV

  • Login-based direct data entry

  • Operators uploading data

  • ODK (Android, agent, offline)

  • Registry of individuals

  • Registry of household and families

  • Entities with group of people, like school, community

  • Change logs

  • Audit logs

  • System logs

  • Lock record for edit

  • Suggest for edit/update

  • Request for edit/update

  • Unlock for edit/update

  • Dashboards

  • Real-time data monitoring

  • SMS

  • Email

  • Encryption of PII

  • Fast data search based on parameters of registrants

Social Registry ID

  • Mobile wallet

  • Paper (QR code)

Last updated


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