Generate SSL Certificates using Letsencrypt

This document guides you to generate and renew SSL certificates using letsencrypt.


The steps to generate SSL certificates are given below.

  • Install letsencrypt and certbot.

sudo apt install certbot
  • Generate Certificate.

sudo certbot certonly --agree-tos --manual --preferred-challenges=dns -d * -d

  • Since the preferred challenge is DNS type, the above command asks for _acme-challenge. Create the _acme-challenge TXT DNS record accordingly, and continue with the above prompt to generate certs.

  • The generated certs must be present in /etc/letsencrypt directory.

Renew certificates

  • Run the same generate certs command to renew certs.

sudo certbot certonly --agree-tos --manual --preferred-challenges=dns -d * -d
  • The above command generates a new pair of certificates. The DNS challenge needs to be performed again, as prompted.

  • Restart Nginx

sudo systemctl restart nginx

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