This guide will provide the steps to create an SMS notification manager.
The user should have a Program Manager role assigned.
Navigate to Programs using the menu bar
Click on Configuration and then on SMS Notification Manager.
Click the Create button to navigate to the SMS notification manager creation page.
This guide will provide the steps to create an Email notification manager.
The user should have a Program Manager role assigned.
Navigate to Programs using the menu bar.
Click on Configuration and then on Email Notification Manager.
Click the Create button to navigate to the email notification manager creation page.
Email notification manager creation page
Name: Provide a name for the manager
Program: Select the program from the drop-down for which the manager is created
On Enrolled In Program Template: Select the template from the drop-down for program enrolment notification.
On Cycle Started Template: Select the template from the drop-down for the program cycle started notification.
On Cycle Ended Template: Select the template from the drop-down for the program cycle-ended notification.
Select Send Immediately to send the email notification to beneficiaries after the program enrollment, at the start of the cycle and at the end of a cycle.
After clicking on the Save button notification will be saved under the email notification manager list view page.
This guide will provide the steps to create a Fast2SMS notification manager.
Navigate to Programs using the menu bar.
Click on Configuration and then on Fast2SMS Notification Manager.
Click the Create button to navigate to the Fast2SMS notification manager creation page.
Fast2SMS notification manager creation page
Name: Provide a name for the manager
Program: Select the program from the drop-down for which the manager is created
On Enrolled In Program Template: Select the template from the drop-down for program enrolment notification.
On Cycle Started Template: Select the template from the drop-down for the program cycle started notification.
On Cycle Ended Template: Select the template from the drop-down for the program cycle-ended notification.
Send API Endpoint: Provide the service provider API endpoint.
Access Token: Provide the access token of the service provider.
After clicking on the Save button notification will be saved under the Fast2SMS notification manager list view page.