The Program Management module offers a rich set of functions to define various beneficiary programs (schemes), enrol beneficiaries based on eligibility, calculate entitlements and disburse benefits to the beneficiaries.
A program may be targeted to an individual or a group. A group may be a household, family or any other group to which the program is targeted.
Deduplication refers to the process of removing duplicate entries in the registry, thus avoiding double-dipping, and merging all the demographic fields associated with an individual or a group into a single record.
Individuals are deduplicated by any of the below methods or a combination of these:
If a country has issued unique foundational IDs (like MOSIP) then deduplication is trivial -- there is only one record associated with an ID. For privacy, the foundational ID itself is not stored in the registry. Instead, a 'token' or virtual ID associated with the ID is stored.
If functional IDs like driver's license, tax number, student ID etc. are accepted while registration, then deduplication across IDs is somewhat challenging if a link between these is not already established and available to the OpenG2P system. In this case, heuristics are applied to demographic data to detect potential duplicates.
In case registrants were onboarded without an ID, the deduplication is performed using heuristics on demographic data.
OpenG2P is guided by the principle of inclusion. The system does not prevent registrations of persons who do not have an ID. This is especially applicable during emergency relief like floods, war, and other calamities.
Deduplication of groups refers to removing duplicate groups within a type of group like a family, or household. The deduplication method is context-dependent and is configured via rules. For example, if the same family has registered itself twice, it will be flagged as a duplicate. However, there are more complex scenarios - say, an individual appears in two different households while other members are different. Such cases will be flagged based on the configured rules.
Resolution of duplicates is generally done via a manual adjudication process, where an authority is visually able to inspect the data and reason for duplication. The authority can then decide whether the case is a duplicate or not based on the process set by the country/department/ministry.
Enrolment is the process of creating a beneficiary list of individuals or groups by querying the registry and applying eligibility criteria. OpenG2P provides convenient filters and plugins to make the entire process frictionless, convenient and time-saving.
Program eligibility could be defined as simple filters on the data collected for individuals (residing in the registry) or could be more sophisticated like Proxy Means Test. Default filters and plugins are provided that would meet most of the eligibility definitions. For complex eligibility criteria, custom plugins can be written and added to the Eligibility Manager.
Entitlement is the quantity of benefit that a beneficiary is entitled to receive. For cash transfers, this is money that a beneficiary will receive via either direct bank transfer, mobile wallet, cash at the counter, vouchers or other disbursement mechanisms. Entitlement is defined for each cycle.
A given program will have certain criteria to consider individuals eligible for that program. Assuming that eligibility can be expressed unambiguously based on an individual's demographic data, a program manager can easily run the criteria on the registry to create a beneficiary list using domain filters and eligibility plugins.
In OpenG2P, Eligibility Manager is a separate software module where the eligibility of a program is configured. If custom plugins are written, they are added to the Eligibility Manager.
Note that one eligibility manager can be associated with only one program. Each program should have its own eligibility manager created and configured.
Example: Proxy Means Test